This is an initiative from a group of artists working to construct the first Transnational Republic, where citizens are defined by the similarity of their beliefs and feelings. The new republic will represent its citizens on a civil level, for the first time not succumbing to national interests but rather concentrating on global concerns.
Founded in 1996 in Munich, Germany, by Georg and Jakob Zoche, it has grown to include more than 4,700 citizens as of June 2009, and has been represented at international conferences and meetings throughout Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia. The Transnational Republic’s currency is the "payola", emitted by the Central Bank of the United Transnational Republic.
On October 10th, during the opening of the Fair, the Transnational Republic installed an Inmigration Office in the Cibeles Palace.
It is planned to repeat this event in the near future.