Technologies To The People is a company that bases its work on a self-sustainable model for the provision of services and citizen support. Its methods and technical surveillance counter-measures (TSCM) for social collectives and NGOs have enjoyed international recognition since 1994. Its information department is at the forefront of stealthy intrusion techniques, data collection, communications and strategic supervision, tactical control, G2 systems, etc. Its latest projects for “15M”, “Yo Soy 132”, “Occupy”, “Idle No More”, “Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad”, “Movilización estudiantil en Chile”, “Indian anti-corruption movement”, to name a few, and its campaigns “Hacking for a Better World” and “Hacks For a Cause” are key in this field, and have received prizes and awards from many universities and institutions focusing on human and citizen rights.