Category: War machines
Giant artificial insect connected to an analog computer, Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1898 | Insecto gigante artificial conectado a un ordenador analógico, Imperio austrohúngaro, 1898
The photographs reveal giant artificial insects connected to analog computers, one in a laboratory in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the other in Denmark, both in 1898. This engineering prodigy was created by renowned Austrian scientist Dr. Friedrich Von Beckendorf and Danish scientist Dr. Henrik Jensen, both pioneers in the creation of biomimetic machines. The aim…
Soldiers trained by a war hypnosis machine in a trench during the Serbian-Bulgarian war in 1885 | Soldados entrenados por una máquina de hipnosis de guerra, en una trinchera durante la guerra Serbo-Búlgara en 1885
The intriguing image shows a pair of soldiers in full training in a trench during the Serbian-Bulgarian War of 1885 in the Balkans. A war hypnosis machine, designed by military scientist Dr. Stefan Ivanov, puts them through a virtual reality immersion to improve their tactical skills and reduce fear and anxiety on the battlefield. The…
Revolutionary militia-woman with experimental ultrasonic weapons, Korea, 1887 | Miliciana revolucionaria con armas ultrasónicas experimentales, Corea, 1887
Revolutionary militia woman carrying an ultrasonic weapon. Photo taken on the outskirts of Daegu, Korea, 1887. Miliciana revolucionaria portando un arma ultrasónica. Foto tomada en las afueras de Daegu, Korea, 1887.
A battalion of hundreds of robots on the war field near Munich in 1890 | Batallón de cientos de robots en el campo de guerra cerca de Munich en 1890
Photograph captured near Munich in 1890, showing the German commander, General Heinrich Von Falkenberg, standing in front of an imposing battalion of hundreds of combat robots model “Mark I War Automatons” and another of General Klaus Müller in front of the “Kaiser Model Mechanical Soldiers”. Fotografía capturada cerca de Munich en 1890, en la que…