Category: Experimental biology
Monumental animal fossils of unknown origin in the Museum of Natural Sciences in Budapest, 1882 | Monumentales fósiles de animales de origen desconocido en el museo de ciencias naturales de Budapest, 1882
Photos at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Budapest in 1882, where colossal fossils of creatures of unknown origin are on display. These monumental remains defy the scientific criteria of the time. Experts debate whether these fossils could be vestiges of ancestral beings from distant worlds or from the depths of the ocean. Some have…
Giant artificial insect connected to an analog computer, Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1898 | Insecto gigante artificial conectado a un ordenador analógico, Imperio austrohúngaro, 1898
The photographs reveal giant artificial insects connected to analog computers, one in a laboratory in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the other in Denmark, both in 1898. This engineering prodigy was created by renowned Austrian scientist Dr. Friedrich Von Beckendorf and Danish scientist Dr. Henrik Jensen, both pioneers in the creation of biomimetic machines. The aim…
Survival capsules of artificially modified living beings, Copenhagen, 1892 | Cápsulas de supervivencia de seres vivos modificados artificialmente, Copenhague, 1892
The photograph shows two scientists gazing in awe at a Survival Capsule housing artificially modified living creatures in an experimental zoo in Copenhagen in 1892. Designed by the visionary Dr. Amelia Andersen, these capsules are an unprecedented scientific achievement, allowing the study and manipulation of genetically altered species. La fotografía muestra a dos científicas…
Dream materialization capsules, Finland, 1893 | Cápsulas de materialización onírica, Finlandia, 1893
The fascinating image shows the young researcher, Eeva Saarinen, standing next to the dream materialization capsules at the “Oneiric Manifestation” project in the city of Tampere, Finland, in 1893. The capsules, created by leading inventor Dr. Henrik Jansson, represent an unprecedented scientific breakthrough, exploring the depths of the human mind and challenging the limits of…
Dream-catching apparatus, Oslo, 1902 | Aparato capturador de sueños, Oslo, 1902
In a captivating photograph taken in Oslo in 1902, a young woman is seen preparing the wires of a dream-capturing device, seeking to unveil the mysteries hidden in the human subconscious. En una cautivadora fotografía tomada en Oslo en 1902, se observa a una joven preparando los cables de un dispositivo capturador de sueños, buscando…
Dream recombining chamber, Finland, 1892 | Cámara de recombinación de sueños, Finlandia, 1892
The intriguing photograph shows twin sisters, Elina and Ingrid Järvinen, immersed in the dream recombination chamber at the “Oneiric Fusion” project in the city of Turku, Finland, in 1892. Inside the chamber, an ethereal veil, wires and electrodes surround their heads, as their minds merge in a shared dream realm. The machine’s dim glow reveals…
Fighting to bring a corpse back to life with an experimental computerized machine, London, 1888 | Luchando por devolver la vida a un cadáver con una máquina computarizada experimental, Londres, 1888
Two scientists, Dr. Victor Bennett, and Dr. Oliver Schmidt, struggle to bring a corpse back to life with an experimental computerized machine. The scene is set in an advanced laboratory for the time, where the doctors are immersed in the challenging task of reviving inert tissue. Dos científicos, el Dr. Victor Bennett y el…
Dream recombining machine, Berlin, 1889 | Máquina recombinadora de sueños, Berlín, 1889
The image captures the twin sisters, Ada and Clara Müller, immersed in the dream recombining machine designed by the young Berlin inventor Dr. Friedrich Reinhardt. The machine, based on complex algorithms and neuroscience principles, combines the sisters’ dream experiences in a unique synaptic interweaving. La imagen captura a las hermanas gemelas, Ada y Clara…
Sensory isolation tank for provoking altered states of consciousness, Finland, 1889 | Tanque de aislamiento sensorial para provocar estados alterados de conciencia, Finlandia, 1889
Photograph of a laboratory in the city of Turku, Finland, in 1889, showing a person immersed in a sensory isolation tank. The environment immersed in darkness and silence stimulates altered states of consciousness and the ability to transcend the limits of everyday perception. Fotografía de un laboratorio en la ciudad de Turku, Finlandia, en…
Electric hypnosis machine, Sweden, 1884 | Máquina eléctrica de hipnosis, Suecia,1884
Visionary physician Dr. Magnus Lundgren stands next to a young patient hooked up to an advanced hypnosis machine. Dr. Lundgren, looking serious but hopeful, conducts the mechanically induced hypnosis session while mental patterns are recorded and analyzed. El médico visionario Dr. Magnus Lundgren junto a una joven paciente conectada a una máquina de hipnosis…
Artificial brain wave detection and modulation, Krakow, 1888 | Detección y modulación artificial de ondas cerebrales, Cracovia , 1888
Photograph taken in Krakow in 1888, showing pioneering physicians Father Stanisław Kowalskiy and Dr. Aleksandra Nowak engaged in a revolutionary experiment: a device for detecting and artificially modulating brain waves, with which they explored the mind-body connection, seeking to alter human consciousness. Fotografía tomada en Cracovia en 1888, en la que se ve a los…